LD 468
pg. 1
LD 468 Title Page An Act to Require Insurers to Disclose Insurance Data to Schools and Municipali... Page 2 of 2
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LR 878
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 24 MRSA §2307-C is enacted to read:

§2307-C.__Information concerning school administrative unit's

experience rating

Notwithstanding any provisions of law governing
confidentiality, a nonprofit hospital or medical service
organization shall provide information concerning a school
administrative unit's own experience and claims history as a
member covered under a group policy or contract to that school
administrative unit at that unit's own request and to the
municipality in which the unit is located if the municipality so

Sec. 2. 24-A MRSA §2803-B is enacted to read:

§2803-B.__Information concerning school administrative unit's

experience rating

Notwithstanding any provisions of law governing
confidentiality, an insurer shall provide information concerning
a school administrative unit's own experience and claims history
as a member covered under a group policy or contract to that
school administrative unit at that unit's own request and to the
municipality in which the unit is located if the municipality so

Sec. 3. 24-A MRSA §4224-B is enacted to read:

§4224-B.__Information concerning school administrative unit's

experience rating

Notwithstanding any provisions of law governing
confidentiality, a health maintenance organization shall provide
information concerning a school administrative unit's own
experience and claims history as a member covered under a group
policy or contract to that school administrative unit at that
unit's own request and to the municipality in which the unit is
located if the municipality so requests.

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