LD 470
pg. 1
LD 470 Title Page An Act Requiring Compensation for Loss of Property Value Due to State or Local ... Page 2 of 3
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LR 777
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 1 MRSA c. 22 is enacted to read:




This chapter may be known and cited as the "Private Property
Protection Act."


As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise
indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.

1.__Implementation of a regulation.__"Implementation of a
regulation" means the rendering of a final administrative
decision on an application for decision under a regulation, the
occurrence of the effective date of a regulation, or any other
application of the regulation to a piece of property.

2.__Preregulatory fair market value.__"Preregulatory fair
market value" means the fair market value of a piece of property
on the day before a regulation caused the property value to fall
by more than 50%.

3.__Regulation.__"Regulation" means any law, rule or ordinance
that directly or indirectly affects the value of property,
including a land use or zoning ordinance or law.

§843.__Regulatory takings

1.__Regulatory takings.__For purposes of this Act, whenever
implementation of a regulation by the State or a political
subdivision of the State reduces the fair market value of real
property to less than 50% of its preregulatory fair market value,
the property is deemed to be taken for the use of the public.

2.__Purchase or compensation required.__The owner of property
deemed to be taken under subsection 1 may file a petition in
Superior Court in the district in which the property is located
to require the governmental unit that imposed the regulation to
purchase the property at the preregulatory fair market value or
to pay compensation for the reduction in value caused by the
regulation.__The property owner may elect to have the issue of
compensation decided by a jury.

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