LD 493
pg. 1
LD 493 Title Page An Act to Amend the Laws Pertaining to Entrances to Highways LD 493 Title Page
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LR 2138
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 23 MRSA §704, as amended by PL 1971, c. 593, §22, is
further amended to read:

§704. Entrances to highways regulated

It shall be is unlawful to construct or maintain any driveway,
entrance or approach within the right-of-way of any state or
state aid highway which that lies outside of the compact or
built-up section, so called, without a written permit from the
department, or if within the compact or built up section, so
called, without a written permit from the proper town officials,
and such the right-of-way shall be deemed is considered the full
width of the right-of-way as laid out by the State, county or the
town. The department is directed and towns are authorized and
directed to make such rules and regulations as to design,
location and construction of driveways, entrances and approaches
on said highways as will adequately protect and promote the
safety of the traveling public and appropriately preserve highway
capacity, but the department and the towns shall in no case may
not deny reasonable ingress to and egress to from property
abutting the highway except on limited access highways. No A
permit shall be is not required for any existing driveway,
entrance or approach unless the grade or location of the same is
changed, but if any driveway, entrance or approach is changed in
location or grade or improved, a permit shall be is required. If
any existing driveway, entrance or approach is changed in degree
size or kind of use, a permit shall be is required.

Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section or the
rules and regulations made under authority thereof shall of this
section must be punished by a fine of not more than $100 in
accordance with the schedule of civil penalties in Title 30-A,
section 4452, subsection 3.


This bill amends the highway entrance permit law to require
the Department of Transportation to include considerations of
highway capacity in developing the rules and design requirements
for driveways and entrances onto state and state-aid highways.
Currently the department may only consider issues of safety.
This bill also increases the penalty for violations of the
entrance permit requirement to reflect the statutory penalties
for land use law violations.

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