LD 497
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Promote the Use of the Secret Ballot at Town Meetings LD 497 Title Page
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LR 1191
Item 1

B. If a particular An article to be voted on by secret
ballot that requests an appropriation of money by the
municipality, the article, when printed in the warrant and
on the ballot, must be accompanied by a recommendation of
the municipal officers.

(1) If by town meeting vote or charter provision, a
budget committee has been established to review
proposed town expenditures, the recommendations of the
budget committee shall must be printed in addition to
those of the municipal officers.

(2) If the action affects the school budget, a
recommendation by the school board shall must be
printed in addition to those of the municipal officers
and the budget committee, if any.

Sec. 6. 30-A MRSA §2528, as amended by PL 1997, c. 733, §1, is
further amended by adding at the end a new paragraph to read:

The provisions of this section apply to all articles on the
warrant for the annual town meeting that request an appropriation
of funds by the town and are a part of the annual town budget.


This bill extends the required use of a secret ballot for town
meeting votes to the election of town officials, approval of
local initiatives and adoption of budget articles.

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