LD 512
pg. 1
LD 512 Title Page An Act to Increase the Length of Probation for a Person Convicted of Domestic V... LD 512 Title Page
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LR 1436
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17-A MRSA §1202, sub-§1-B is enacted to read:

1-B.__Notwithstanding subsection 1, the period of probation
for a person convicted of a Class D or Class E crime of domestic
violence may be extended by up to one year beyond the period of
probation allowed in subsection 1 if the court finds that the
additional time is needed for the person to complete a certified
batterers' intervention program as defined in Title 19-A, section


This bill allows the length of probation for a person
convicted of a Class D or E crime of domestic violence to be
extended by up to one year beyond the period of probation if it
is necessary for the person to complete a certified batterers'
intervention program.

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