LD 574
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LR 948
Item 1

paid in the most recent calendar year for which data is available
by employers under former Title 39, the Workers' Compensation Act
or Title 39-A, Part 1, the Maine Workers' Compensation Act of 1992.
As soon as practicable after July 1st of each year, the
commissioner or the commissioner's designee shall assess upon and
collect from each insurance carrier licensed to do workers'
compensation business in the State, and each group and individual
self-insured employer authorized to make workers' compensation
payments directly to their employees, a sum equal to that
proportion of the current fiscal year's appropriation, exclusive of
any federal funds, for the safety education and training program
that the total workers' compensation benefits, exclusive of medical
payments, paid by each licensed carrier or each group or individual
self-insured employer, bear to the total of the benefits paid by
all licensed carriers, and group and individual self-insured
employers during the most recent calendar year for which data is
available, except that the total amount levied annually may not
exceed 1% of the total of the compensation benefits paid by all
licensed carriers, and group and individual self-insured employers
during the most recent calendar year for which data is available.
A licensed carrier or group or individual self-insured must be
assessed based on all benefits paid, exclusive of medical payments,
during any year for which the carrier was licensed or the group or
individual self-insured employer was authorized to make workers'
compensation payments directly to their employers for any portion
of the year. Assessments under this section must include
sufficient funds to provide for training and information activities
relating to pesticides as required by section 1720, subsection 5.

Sec. B-6. 26 MRSA §1402, sub-§1, ¶¶A and C, as enacted by PL 1983, c.
486, are amended to read:

A. "Repeated violation" means a violation of any legal
requirement under chapter 22 or under the United States
Code, Title 29, Chapter 15, where a previous violation of
the same requirement was found which involved a
substantially similar hazard.

C. "Willful violation" means a violation committed
intentionally or knowingly with an intentional disregard of,
or plain indifference to, legal requirements under chapter
22 or under the United States Code, Title 29, Chapter 15.

Sec. B-7. 26 MRSA §1402, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 486, is
amended to read:

2. Debarment. The Department of Labor shall, after hearing,
debar from participation in state contracts for 2 years

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