LD 576
pg. 6
Page 5 of 6 An Act to Update and Amend the Maine Pharmacy Act LD 576 Title Page
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LR 1027
Item 1

3. Report. No later than January 1, 2000, the statutory
review committee shall submit a written report together with
recommended legislation, if any, to the Governor and the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
business and economic development matters with a copy to the
Executive Director of the Legislative Council and the Law and
Legislative Reference Library. The statutory review committee
shall make an oral report to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over business and economic
development matters no later than February 1, 2000. The joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
business and economic development matters may submit legislation
based on the recommendations of the statutory review committee.


This bill implements the recommendations of the Pharmacy Act
Review Group, which was established by the Department of
Professional and Financial Regulation to update the Maine
Pharmacy Act.

The bill defines automated pharmacy systems and authorizes the
Maine Board of Pharmacy to establish standards for their use.
The bill redefines practitioner, reflecting the increased number
of professions that are authorized to prescribe. It allows the
board to use discretion in issuing a license by reciprocity, and
aligns the board's license and continuing education cycles with
the calendar year. The bill removes the automatic provision of
executive session for informal conferences and adds breach of
confidentiality to the area of unprofessional conduct. The bill
allows a pharmacist to be in charge of more than one outlet with
written permission from the board and allows drug outlets to open
prior to state site inspection. The bill ties record retention
requirements to those of federal Medicare laws and requires
dispensed drug labels to include the beyond use date of the drug.

Finally, the bill establishes a statutory review committee to
review the current scope of practice for pharmacists and to make
recommendations for change if necessary. The review must address
the issues of drug administration and collaborative practice and
the current regulatory relationship between the Board of Pharmacy
and institutional pharmacies. The review committee is charged
with making recommendations back to the Governor and Legislature.

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