LD 586
pg. 1
LD 586 Title Page An Act to Abolish Apportionment in Workers' Compensation Claims LD 586 Title Page
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LR 2514
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 39-A MRSA §354, sub-§§2 and 3, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 885,
Pt. A, §8 and affected by §§9 to 11, are amended to read:

2. Liability to employee. If an employee has sustained more
than one injury while employed by different employers, or if an
employee has sustained more than one injury while employed by the
same employer and that employer was insured by one insurer when
the first injury occurred and insured by the same or another
insurer when the subsequent injury or injuries occurred, the
insurer providing coverage at the time of the last injury shall
initially be responsible to the employee for all benefits payable
under this Act.

3. Subrogation. Any insurer determined to be liable for
benefits under subsection 2 must be subrogated to the employee's
rights under this Act for all benefits the insurer has paid and
for which another insurer may be liable for any injury occurring
before January 1, 1993. Any such insurer may, in accordance with
rules adopted by the Superintendent of Insurance, file a request
for appointment of an arbitrator to determine apportionment of
liability among the responsible insurers. The arbitrator's
decision is limited to a choice between the submissions of the
parties and may not be calculated by averaging. Within 30 days
of the request, the Superintendent of Insurance shall appoint a
neutral arbitrator who shall decide, in accordance with the rules
adopted by the Superintendent of Insurance, respective liability
among or between insurers. Arbitration pursuant to this
subsection is the exclusive means for resolving apportionment
disputes among insurers and the decision of the arbitrator is
conclusive and binding among all parties involved. Apportionment
decisions made under this subsection may not affect an employee's
rights and benefits under this Act.


This bill adopts a "last injury rule" in cases involving
multiple injuries after January 1, 1993. The bill eliminates
apportionment and assigns responsibility to the last insurer
responsible for an injury that contributes to a compensable
condition. This rule is used by a majority of states in place of

LD 586 Title Page Top of Page LD 586 Title Page