LD 950
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act to Consolidate and Improve Agricultural Market Research and New Technolo... Page 4 of 4
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LR 809
Item 1

Individuals, firms or organizations may specify that funds
contributed to this account may be used to initiate projects
affecting specific commodities.

At the discretion of the commissioner, unused designated grant
dollars from the previous fiscal year, not to exceed $250,000,
may be added to available grant funds in the current fiscal year.

§309. Annual review

The commissioner, the Director of the Agricultural Experiment
Station and the Director of the Cooperative Extension Service and
the Agriculture Development Committee shall, on an annual basis,
review the effectiveness of the programs operated under the
provisions of this chapter in facilitating the introduction of
new technologies for Maine agricultural operations.

Sec. 6. 7 MRSA §401-D, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 444, is repealed.

Sec. 7. 7 MRSA §436, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 658, §1, is amended
to read:

§436. Grants for technical assistance and research

The commissioner may use all or a portion of the accrued
interest in the cash balance of the fund Agrcicultural Marketing
Loan Fund and interest portion of loan repayments, up to a
maximum of $150,000 $250,000 per year, for grants for technical
assistance and for the research programs identified in the
technology transfer program in chapter 10, and the Agricultural
Market Research and Development Fund established in section 401-
D, for the purposes of supporting adoption of new and innovative
technology to support agricultural production and marketing the
agricultural development grant program in chapter 10.


This bill consolidates administration of existing agricultural
market and production development grant programs including the
Agricultural Marketing Loan Fund, technology transfer and special
research projects program and the market research and development
grant program. The bill combines all of these programs into one
comprehensive agricultural development grant program that will
include all the elements of the individual grant programs, add a
market promotion eligibility

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