LD 974
pg. 3
Page 2 of 6 An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding Elver Fishing Page 4 of 6
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LR 811
Item 1

is left in a condition that prevents the capture of elvers. An
elver fyke net must be configured with a rigid opening in the code
end to facilitate the escape of elvers during closed periods.

Sec. 4. 12 MRSA §6575-B, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 536, Pt. A,
§9, is amended to read:

2. Number of elver fyke nets and Sheldon eel traps. It is
unlawful from noon of March 15th to midnight of June 15th for a
person to immerse at any one time:

A. More than 5 elver fyke nets;

B. More than 5 Sheldon eel traps; or

C. Any combination of elver fyke nets and Sheldon eel traps
that total more than 5 nets and traps.

D.__A number of elver fyke nets that is greater than the
average number of nets that person utilized during the past
3 elver fishing seasons for which that person held a
license; and

E.__A number of Sheldon eel traps that is greater than the
average number of traps that person utilized during the past
3 elver fishing seasons for which that person held a

Sec. 5. 12 MRSA §6575-B, sub-§§6 to 12 are enacted to read:

6.__Eligibility for dip net use.__A person may not use a dip
net to fish for or take elvers unless:

A.__That person's elver fishing license in one of the last 3
elver fishing seasons for which that person held a license
identified a dip net as permissible gear under section 6505-
A, subsection 5; or

B.__That person forfeits use of one elver fyke net or one
Sheldon eel trap for each dip net used from the total for
that person established under subsection 2.

7.__Setting elver fyke nets.__A person may not set an elver
fyke net within the wings of another elver fyke net or set an
elver fyke net in a manner that interferes with the operation of
another elver fyke net.

8.__Obstructing elver fyke net.__A person may not place any
obstruction in front of an elver fyke net.

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