LD 1002
pg. 1
LD 1002 Title Page Resolve, to Comprehensively Address Protection of Public Health and Natural Res... LD 1002 Title Page
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LR 2759
Item 1

Sec. 1. Division of Health Engineering. Resolved: That the Division of
Health Engineering is transferred from the Department of Human
Services to the Department of Environmental Protection on July 1,
2000. The Department of Environmental Protection shall present
legislation to the Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources
by January 1, 2000 to accomplish the transfer. The Division of
Health Engineering within the Department of Environmental
Protection is responsible for programs pertaining to plumbing,
radiation control and drinking water. The division of Health
Engineering shall create a comprehensive groundwater program that
will include the existing elements of the present drinking water
program and report back January 1, 2000 as to additional support
and staffing needs; and be it further

Sec. 2. Eating and lodging program. Resolved: That the eating and lodging
program is transferred from the Department of Human Services to
the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources on July
1, 2000. The Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources
shall present legislation to the Joint Standing Committee on
Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry by January 1, 2000 to
accomplish the transfer. The eating and lodging program consists
of licensing activities and inspections to ensure that foods are
packaged, processed, prepared and stored in sanitary environments
and is combined with the food inspection program.


This resolve transfers to the Department of Environmental
Protection the Division of Health Engineering from the Department
of Human Services and the eating and lodging program from the
Department of Human Services to the Department of Agriculture,
Food and Rural Resources as of July 1, 2000. It directs the
Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources to present legislation
required to make the transfers by January 1, 2000.

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