LD 1011
pg. 1
LD 1011 Title Page An Act to Change the Application of the Durable Financial Power of Attorney Pro... LD 1011 Title Page
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LR 1835
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 18-A MRSA §5-508, sub-§(h) is enacted to read:

(h)__The requirements of this section do not apply to any
durable financial power of attorney:

(1)__Granted by a person other than an individual; or

(2)__Granted to the secured party or mortgagee in a security
agreement or mortgage.


Current law requires certain limitations and disclosures
concerning durable financial powers of attorney in order to
protect individuals who grant authority to another to handle
their financial affairs. This bill makes those required
disclosures and limitations inapplicable to durable financial
powers of attorney granted by someone other than an individual,
such as a corporation, or by an individual when the power is
granted to a secured party or the mortgagee in a security
agreement or mortgage.

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