LD 1015
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 Resolve, to Implement the Recommendations of the Select Commission to Study the... LD 1015 Title Page
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This resolve proposes to implement the recommendations of the
Joint Select Commission to Study the Opening of a Discount State
Liquor Store in Fort Kent. The study recommends that the State
not open a discount store in Fort Kent. The select commission
also recommends that the decision to open the discount store in
Calais be reevaluated. This resolve directs the Bureau of
Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations to provide information
to the Joint Standing Committee on Legal and Veterans Affairs on
2 issues relating to liquor sales: information relevant to
determining whether to continue operating the discount state
liquor store in Calais and information on possible changes in
liquor pricing to enable agency liquor stores to increase their

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