LD 1016
pg. 1
LD 1016 Title Page An Act to Require That a Translator Be Available to Employees In the Workers' C... LD 1016 Title Page
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LR 1955
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 39-A MRSA §329 is enacted to read:

§329.__Interpreter required

An employee whose native language is not English and who does
not understand the English language to the degree necessary to
reasonably understand and participate in proceedings that affect
the employee's rights is entitled to have an interpreter present
at all proceedings before the board or a hearing officer relating
to that employee's rights.__The board shall provide and pay the
cost of the interpreter.__To the extent possible, the board shall
use the services of interpreters employed by the Department of
Labor to meet the needs of employees in the workers' compensation


This bill provides that an employee who is not fluent in
English is entitled to have an interpreter present during
workers' compensation proceedings that affect the employee. The
Workers' Compensation Board would provide or pay the cost of the
interpreter and must share the services of interpreters in the
Department of Labor to the extent possible.

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