LD 1021
pg. 1
LD 1021 Title Page An Act to Allow a Movie Rental Company Restitution if a Person Fails to Return ... LD 1021 Title Page
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LR 2004
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17-A MRSA §360, sub-§1, śC, as amended by PL 1997, c. 319, §1,
is further amended to read:

C. Having custody of property pursuant to a rental or lease
agreement with the owner thereof whereby such property is to
be returned to the owner at a specified time and place, the
person knowingly fails to comply with the agreed terms
concerning return of such property without the consent of
the owner, for so lengthy a period beyond the specified time
for return as to render the retention or possession or other
failure to return a gross deviation from the agreement. For
purposes of this paragraph, a gross deviation may be
presumed when the person fails to return the property within
5 days of receiving a written demand from the owner, mailed
by certified or registered mail after the expiration of the
rental period to the most current address known to the
owner. If the unreturned property is a movie or video
rental of any form, a person convicted of a violation of
this paragraph shall pay restitution equal to the amount of
revenue lost by the owner due to the uncompensated absence
of the property plus any expenses incurred in obtaining the
return of the property.


Current law makes the failure to return rented property, by
the time specified in the lease or rental agreement, theft if the
person renting the property fails to return the property within 5
days after written demand by the owner. This bill requires a
person convicted of a violation of this law, when the property is
a movie or video rental, to pay restitution to the owner in the
amount equal to the revenue lost by the owner due to the absence
of the property for rental purposes plus expenses.

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