LD 1027
pg. 1
LD 1027 Title Page An Act to Extend the Waiting Period for Obtaining a Divorce LD 1027 Title Page
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LR 1817
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 19-A MRSA §909 is enacted to read:

§909.__Time of trial

An action for divorce is not in order for hearing until 6
months or more after service of the summons and complaint unless
a protection order under chapter 101 against one of the parties
for the purpose of protecting the other party or another family
or household member is in existence.

Sec. 2. Effective date. This Act takes effect October 1, 1999.


This bill establishes a 6-month waiting period between the
service of a divorce complaint and the divorce hearing, except
that the waiting period does not apply to any person who has
obtained a protection from abuse order to protect that person or
another family or household member from the other party. This
change in law would be effective October 1, 1999.

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