LD 1042
pg. 1
LD 1042 Title Page An Act to Require Liability Insurance for Sellers of Liquor Consumed on the Pre... LD 1042 Title Page
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LR 228
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 28-A MRSA §1051, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Liquor liability insurance required.__A license may not be
issued under this section unless the applicant has first shown
proof of liquor liability insurance as required by section 2508-
A.__Failure to maintain continuous coverage results in suspension
or revocation of license.

Sec. 2. 28-A MRSA §2508-A is enacted to read:

§2508-A.__Mandatory liability insurance

A licensee who is licensed to sell liquor for on-premise
consumption shall procure and maintain liquor liability insurance
coverage of at least $250,000.

Sec. 3. 28-A MRSA §2517-A is enacted to read:

§2517-A.__Mandatory reporting

The Superintendent of Insurance shall require all liquor
liability insurance providers to notify the commission of any
current or anticipated lapse in liquor liability insurance
coverage required under this chapter.


This bill requires all licensees serving liquor for on-premise
consumption to obtain at least $250,000 of liquor liability
insurance. Failure to maintain that insurance will result in
suspension or revocation of license.

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