LD 1048
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act to Amend the Androscoggin County Budget Process LD 1048 Title Page
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LR 508
Item 1

D. To fund the county charter commission as provided in
section 1322, subsection 4.

Sec. 8. 30-A MRSA §726, as amended by PL 1989, c. 104, Pt. C, §§8
and 10, is further amended to read:

§726. Budget amendments

The approved budget shall govern governs the expenditures of
the county during the fiscal year. No expenses may be incurred
in excess of those shown in the approved budget, but the county
commissioners may transfer funds as provided in section 922, and
the budget may be from time to time revised by the preparation
and submission of a proposed amended budget by the county
commissioners to the budget committee. The budget committee
shall within 15 calendar days approve, disapprove or amend this
revised budget. If the proposed revised budget is approved or
amended, the budget committee within this same time period shall
forward the revised budget to the Legislature for final approval.
The Legislature has 15 calendar days to approve or disapprove the
revised budget. If the Legislature is not in session or does not
approve the revised budget within this time, it is disapproved.
A report of approval of a revised budget shall must be
transmitted to the State Auditor within 15 days of the
Legislature's approval of a revised budget.


This bill amends the budget approval process for Androscoggin
County by removing the requirement that the budget be submitted
to the Legislature for final approval. Instead, the existing
budget committee is empowered to adopt the budget, which it must
submit to the county commissioners. The county commissioners may
alter the budget committee's budget only by a unanimous vote;
and, if the commissioners do so, the budget committee may reject
the county commissioners' change by a 2/3 vote. The bill also
increases the number of members on the committee from 9 to 11
members. The 2 additional members must be Androscoggin County
legislative delegation members.

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