LD 1060
pg. 1
LD 1060 Title Page An Act to Allow Credit Card Users to Purchase Payment Insurance LD 1060 Title Page
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LR 383
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 9-A MRSA §4-104, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1981, c. 151, is
further amended to read:

3. In any consumer credit sale or any supervised loan, except
pursuant to open-end credit sales, a creditor may not contract
for or receive a separate charge for consumer credit insurance
providing for accident and health coverage unless there is a
minimum payment of $30 per month or a loan duration of at least
18 months. All consumer credit insurance providing for life,
accident and health coverage in any consumer credit sale or any
supervised loan shall , at the option of the consumer, must
provide for a waiting period of 30 days or more. If a creditor
offers consumer credit insurance providing for life, accident and
health coverage for which a separate charge may be received, the
creditor shall offer the consumer the option of purchasing
consumer credit insurance which that does not pay a benefit for
the 30-day waiting period and shall disclose to the consumer the
cost thereof in accordance with section 2-501, subsection 2,
paragraph B.


This bill eliminates the restriction on credit card companies
of having to charge at least $30 per month in order to provide
consumer credit insurance providing for life, accident and health
coverage. This bill also allows a consumer in a credit sale or
supervised loan providing credit insurance for life, accident and
health coverage to opt for a waiting period of 30 days or more.

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