LD 1061
pg. 1
LD 1061 Title Page An Act to Improve Access to Prescription Drugs for the Elderly LD 1061 Title Page
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LR 346
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §6206, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__Income limitations requiring copayments in the elderly
low-cost drug program.__A claimant representing an elderly
household qualifies for the elderly low-cost drug program under
chapter 905 if the household income exceeds the requirements of
subsection 1 or 2 as provided in this subsection.

A.__If the household income exceeds the requirements of
subsection 1 or 2 by up to 30%, the household is eligible
for participation and must pay a copayment of 30% of the
cost of the medication.

B.__If the household exceeds the requirements of subsection
1 or 2 by between 31% and 40%, the household is eligible for
participation and must pay a copayment of 40% of the cost of
the medication.


This bill extends income eligibility for the elderly low-cost
drug program by allowing persons whose income exceeds the limits
by up to 30% and 40% to pay copayments of 30% and 40%,

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