LD 1066
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act to Establish the Early Care and Revolving Loan Program Page 5 of 5
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LR 2705
Item 1

other sources of financing and demonstrated a reasonable
likelihood that the loan can be repaid.

8.__Reports.__A corporation shall report at least semiannually
to the authority on the projects the corporation funds and the
administration of the program.__The report must include a
description of each borrower, the amount, type and terms of
assistance each borrower received and other information the
authority requires.__The report must contain an accounting of the
loan portfolio and any loans that are in default, as well as an
accounting of the corporation's administrative and technical
assistance expenses incurred and charged to the program.

9.__Audit.__The authority shall periodically review each
corporation's participation in the program and may, in its
discretion, require an independent audit at the expense of the
corporation.__If the authority determines that a corporation has
used funds for ineligible purposes, the corporation shall repay
those funds to the authority for deposit into the fund.__The
authority may not disburse additional funds to a corporation
until the corporation has repaid the misapplied funds and has
fully complied with its obligations under the contract with the

10.__Written procedures.__The authority shall adopt rules
governing the program.__Rules adopted pursuant to this section
are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.

Sec. 2. 20-A MRSA §12502, as amended by PL 1995, c. 117, Pt. E, §5
and affected by §13, is further amended to read:

§12502. Teachers for Maine Program

There is established the Teachers for Maine Program to provide
financial assistance to college students, graduating high school
seniors and students pursuing postbaccalaureate teacher
certification or child development associate certification or an
associate's degree in child development who demonstrate an
interest in pursuing a career in teaching in this State for
postsecondary education and to teachers for advanced degree or
continued study. The program recognizes outstanding graduating
high school seniors, college students and students pursuing
postbaccalaureate teacher certification or child development
associate certification or an associate's degree in child
development. The chief executive officer shall administer the
program and shall establish by rule the rates of interest or fees
to be charged.

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