LD 1067
pg. 2
Page 1 of 7 An Act to Amend the Workers' Compensation Laws Page 3 of 7
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LR 914
Item 1

fewer than 3 institutions accredited pursuant to
subparagraph (2); or

(4) An additional type of educational or training
institution as defined by the board, but not after the
dependent reaches the age of 23 years of age or has
completed 4 years of education beyond the high school
level, except that, when the dependent's 23rd birthday
occurs during a semester or other enrollment period,
the dependent continues to be considered a student
until the end of the semester or other enrollment
period. A child is not deemed to have ceased to be a
student during any interim between school years if the
interim does not exceed 5 months and if the dependent
shows to the satisfaction of the board that the
dependent has a bona fide intention of continuing to
pursue a full-time course of education or training
during the semester or other enrollment period
immediately following the interim or during periods of
reasonable duration during which, in the judgment of
the board, the dependent is prevented by factors beyond
the dependent's control from pursuing the dependent's
education. A child is not deemed to be a student under
this Act during a period of service in the Armed Forces
of the United States.

In all other cases, questions of total or partial dependency must
be determined in accordance with the fact as the fact was at the
time of the injury. If there is more than one person wholly
dependent, the compensation must be divided equally among them
and persons partly dependent, if any, are not entitled to a part
of the compensation during the period in which compensation is
paid to persons wholly dependent. If there is no one wholly
dependent and more than one person who is partly dependent, the
compensation must be divided among them according to the relative
extent of their dependency. If a dependent is an alien residing
outside the United States or outside the Dominion of Canada, the
compensation paid to any such dependent is 1/2 that provided in
the case of the death of an employee.

Sec. 3. 39-A MRSA §153, sub-§9, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 486, §3, is
amended to read:

9. Audit and enforcement. The executive director shall
establish an audit, enforcement and monitoring program by July 1,
1998, to ensure that all obligations under this Act are met,
including the requirements of section 359. The functions of the
audit and enforcement program include, but are not limited to,
auditing timeliness of payments and claims handling practices of
insurers, self-insurers and 3rd-party administrators; determining

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