LD 1067
pg. 4
Page 3 of 7 An Act to Amend the Workers' Compensation Laws Page 5 of 7
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Item 1

§303. Reports to board

When any employee has reported to an employer under this Act
any injury arising out of and in the course of the employee's
employment that has caused the employee to lose a day's work, or
when the employer has knowledge of any such injury, the employer
shall report the injury to the board within 7 days after the
employer receives notice or has knowledge of the injury. The
employer shall also report the average weekly wages or earnings
of the employee, as defined in section 102, subsection 4,
together with any other information required by the board, within
30 days after the employer receives notice or has knowledge of a
claim for compensation under section 212, 213 or 215, unless a
wage statement has previously been filed with the board. A copy
of the wage information must be mailed to the employee. The
employer shall report when the injured employee resumes the
employee's employment and the amount of the employee's wages or
earnings at that time. The employer shall complete a first
report of injury form for any injury that has required the
services of a health care provider within 7 days after the
employer receives notice or has knowledge of the injury. The
employer shall provide a copy of the form to the injured employee
and retain a copy for the employer's records but is not obligated
to submit the form to the board unless the injury later causes
the employee to lose a day's work.

Sec. 7. 39-A MRSA §306, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 885, Pt. A, §8
and affected by §§9 to 11, is repealed and the following enacted
in its place:

§306.__Time for filing petitions

1.__Statute of limitations.__Except as provided in this
section, a petition brought under this Act is barred unless filed
within 2 years after the date of injury or the date the
employee's employer files a first report of injury as required by
section 303.

2.__Payment of benefits.__If an employer or insurer pays
benefits under this Act, either with or without prejudice, within
the period provided in subsection 1, the period during which an
employee or other interested party may file a petition is 6 years
from the date of the most recent payment.

3.__Establishment of injury.__If the occurrence of a work-
related injury is established by board decree, mediation report
or agreement of the parties without the payment of benefits as
provided in subsection 2, the period during which an

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