LD 1068
pg. 1
LD 1068 Title Page An Act to Clarify Municipal Obligations to an Unlicensed Mobile Home Park LD 1068 Title Page
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LR 2052
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 10 MRSA §9090 is enacted to read:

§9090.__Municipal foreclosure; unlicensed mobile home parks

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a municipality
that, as a result of the nonpayment of property taxes, forecloses
and takes possession of real estate on which is located an
unlicensed mobile home park may, if the municipality determines
the park poses a risk to public health, welfare or safety, close
the park and, with at least 30 days' prior written notice, evict
the inhabitants of the park.__A municipality that takes
possession of real estate on which is located an unlicensed
mobile home park does not enter a landlord and tenant
relationship with any inhabitant of the park and is not subject
to the provisions of chapter 953 or any other laws governing
relations between a landlord and tenant.__This section does not
apply to a municipality that is or becomes the licensed operator
of the mobile home park.


This bill permits a municipality that forecloses and takes
possession of real estate on which is located an unlicensed
mobile home park to close the park and, with at least 30 days'
prior written notice, evict the inhabitants, if the municipality
determines the park poses a risk to public health, welfare or
safety. A municipality that takes possession of real estate on
which is located an unlicensed mobile home park does not enter a
landlord and tenant relationship with any inhabitants of the park
and is not subject to the laws governing landlord and tenant
relations. These provisions do not apply to a municipality that
is or becomes the licensed operator of the mobile home park.

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