LD 1071
pg. 1
LD 1071 Title Page An Act Requiring Notification of Violation to Motor Carriers LD 1071 Title Page
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LR 2355
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 29-A MRSA §563 is enacted to read:

1.__Notification.__A motor carrier cited for a violation or
identified as the responsible motor carrier on a Uniform Summons
and Complaint, Violation Summons and Complaint or motor carrier
compliance report, either as the defendant or by the company's
United States Department of Transportation census number, must be
sent a copy of the Uniform Summons and Complaint, Violation
Summons and Complaint or motor carrier compliance report by
regular mail by the enforcement agency taking such action within
3 business days of the date of violation.

2.__Exception.__If the driver issued the Uniform Summons and
Complaint, Violation Summons and Complaint or motor carrier
compliance report is also the motor carrier, the enforcement
agency is not required to make any further notification.


This bill requires the notification of motor carriers when
cited for a violation or identified as the responsible motor
carrier on a Uniform Summons and Complaint, Violation Summons and
Complaint or motor carrier compliance report.

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