LD 1079
pg. 1
LD 1079 Title Page An Act to Establish a Framework for Management of Emerging Fisheries Page 2 of 2
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §6171-B is enacted to read:

§6171-B.__Sustainable development of emerging fisheries

1.__Commissioner's powers.__The commissioner may investigate
conditions affecting marine resources and, with the advice and
consent of the advisory council, may require an endorsement to
participate in an emerging fishery that is determined under
subsection 3 to be threatened.__The commissioner shall act to
ensure that emerging fisheries do not develop at a rate that is
not sustainable on a long-term basis.

2.__Emerging fishery; defined.__For purposes of this section,
"emerging fishery" means the fishing for any marine organism,
except shrimp, herring and groundfish species, that is not
currently subject to a species-specific state commercial fishing
license or permit.

3.__Determination of threat.__The commissioner may determine
that a marine organism is threatened based on evidence of an
increase in harvesting pressure.__The commissioner may be
petitioned by harvesters involved in the emerging fishery for a
determination of threat.

4.__Endorsement.__Endorsements may be granted under a
commercial fishing license to control the number of individuals
engaged in commercial harvesting in an emerging fishery.__The
department shall adopt rules for establishing the qualification
criteria for an endorsement for each species.__The commissioner
may require the collection and timely reporting of any biological
or environmental data as a condition of the endorsement.__The
commissioner's authority to limit the number of endorsements for
a specific species is limited to a period of 3 years from the
date of the issuance of the first endorsement, renewable for one
3-year extension.

5.__Rule-making authority.__The department may adopt rules
authorized under this section to establish eligibility for
endorsement, reporting requirements and the number of
endorsements issued.__Rules for each emerging fishery authorized
by this section must be adopted and amended in accordance with
the procedures outlined in subchapter II.__Rules adopted pursuant
to this section are routine technical rules as defined in Title
5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

6.__Incidental harvest.__A vessel not holding an endorsement
for a species in an emerging fishery is prohibited from the
landing or sale of that species.__To accommodate incidental
harvest, possession at sea of that species is not prohibited.__
Possession of that species for personal use is not prohibited.

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