LD 1080
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act to Direct State Capital Investments to Locally Designated Growth Areas ... LD 1080 Title Page
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LR 2854
Item 1

Sec. 6. Effective date. This Act applies to all applications for state
assistance filed after October 1, 1999.


This bill defines state growth-related capital investments and
directs them to locally designated growth areas as identified in
local comprehensive plans or, if there is no comprehensive plan,
to areas with public sewers capable of handling the development.
Exceptions are made for state investments required to remedy
threats to public health and safety; to mitigate nonpoint sources
of pollution; to purchase lands for parks, open space and
conservation; to assist natural resource-based industries and
other activities that are typically located away from other
development; to expand highways that meet national, state or
regionwide needs; and for tourist and cultural facilities that
rely on specific historic, natural or cultural resources.

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