LD 1083
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act to Amend the Real Estate Brokerage Law Page 3 of 4
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LR 1024
Item 1

branch office license, the agency designated broker must may
designate himself or another broker to act as branch manager, in
which case the manager shall have has designated broker
responsibilities for that office. The designated broker may
designate himself to act as manager for all branch offices.

Sec. 8. 32 MRSA §13177, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 395, Pt. A,
§212, is amended to read:

All exclusive right-to-sell contracts, exclusive agency
contracts and any nonexclusive contract relating to one to 4
family residential properties shall be in writing, signed by the
person to be charged and shall specifically identify the date
upon which the contract will expire. Nonexclusive listing
contracts relating to one to 4 family residential properties, in
addition to all exclusive right-to-sell and exclusive agency
listing contracts must be in writing, signed by the person to be
charged and specifically identify the date upon which the
contract will expire. If the parties to the contract desire to
continue the contract, a new contract must be executed.

Sec. 9. 32 MRSA §13195, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 395, Pt. A, §212,
is amended to read:

§13195. Changes

Any change of address, name or other material change in the
conditions or qualifications set forth in the original
application shall , including but not limited to criminal
convictions or suspension or revocation of any professional
license, must be reported to the director no later than 10 days
after the change. Upon proper application and payment of the
prescribed fee, the commission records shall must be changed and
a new license shall be issued for the unexpired term of the
current license, if appropriate.

Sec. 10. 32 MRSA §13196, as amended by PL 1991, c. 53, §8, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§13196. Inactive licenses

1.__Placement on inactive status.__Any licensee who does not
desire to perform any of the activities described in section
13001 and who wants to preserve the license while not engaged in
any brokerage activity may surrender that license to the
commission for placement on inactive status. The commission may
place the license on inactive status and issue an inactive
license only upon proper application by the licensee. During
inactive status, the licensee is required to renew the license

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