LD 1085
pg. 1
LD 1085 Title Page An Act to Amend the Qualifications for Participation in the High School Aspirat... LD 1085 Title Page
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LR 1770
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §4772-A is enacted to read:

§4772-A.__Student eligibility; exception

A secondary school student who does not meet the requirements
of section 4772, subsection 2 is eligible under this chapter if
that student:

1.__Enrolled as sophomore.__Is enrolled in grade 10 or higher
in the student's school unit;

2.__Recommendation.__Has received a recommendation to take a
postsecondary course or courses at an eligible institution from
the student's school guidance counselor following an assessment
of the student by the guidance counselor; and

3.__Approval.__Has been approved for participation in a course
or courses by an eligible institution.


Last year a program was established to provide state subsidy
for participation in postsecondary study by certain high school
students. This bill expands the eligibility criteria for
participation in that program.

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