LD 1088
pg. 1
LD 1088 Title Page An Act to Prohibit Permanent Committees Authorized by the Baxter State Park Aut... LD 1088 Title Page
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LR 1687
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §904, as amended by PL 1985, c.785, Pt. B, §63, is
further amended to read:

§904. Agents and representatives

The Baxter State Park Authority shall appoint agents or
representatives to carry out this subchapter. Nothing in this
subchapter or deed, trust or previous rulemaking of the Baxter
State Park Authority may be construed to allow for the formation
of a permanent advisory committee.__Advisory committees must be
appointed for and limited to only those subjects that can not be
executed by park staff.__Advisory committees are appointed only
for a specified period of time, with a date certain to expire,
not to exceed 6 months. All appointed agents or representatives
shall hold office under the rules of the Civil Service Law. They
shall must be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties and
a certificate thereof shall must be returned and filed in the
office of the chairman chair of the authority. They shall be are
appointed by the authority in accordance with the Civil Service
Law and may be allowed actual necessary expenses of travel.
Advisory committee members may not be housed in the park at any
time without customary fees being charged or be given
preferential treatment as to the making of reservations within
the park.


This bill prohibits permanent advisory committees for the
Baxter State Park Authority. It limits any advisory committee to
a 6-month appointment and it prohibits preferential treatment of
committee members.

LD 1088 Title Page Top of Page LD 1088 Title Page