LD 1093
pg. 1
LD 1093 Title Page An Act to Provide Farm Cooperatives More Flexibility in Establishing Officers a... LD 1093 Title Page
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LR 1313
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 13 MRSA §1873 is amended to read:

§1873. Officers

The board shall elect a president, a secretary and a
treasurer, and may elect one or more vice-presidents, and such
other one or more officers as may be authorized in the bylaws.
The president and at least one of the vice-presidents must be
members and directors, but a vice-president who is not a director
cannot succeed to or fill the office of president. Any 2 of the
offices of vice-president, secretary and treasurer may be
combined in one person. The bylaws of each cooperative must
provide for one or more officers, including the qualifications
for and the titles of those officers.


This bill provides cooperatives with greater flexibility in
establishing officers.

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