LD 1097
pg. 1
LD 1097 Title Page An Act to Regulate Motor Vehicle Insurance Rates LD 1097 Title Page
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LR 2890
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 24-A MRSA §2303-C is enacted to read:

§2303-C.__Premium increases or surcharges based on motor

vehicle accidents

An insurer may not increase the premium or impose a surcharge
on a motor vehicle insurance policy based on the involvement in a
motor vehicle accident of the named insured or another person who
operates a motor vehicle insured under the policy unless the
named insured or another person who operates a motor vehicle
insured under the policy is individually or aggregately involved
in 2 or more motor vehicle accidents while operating a motor
vehicle insured under the policy, resulting in either personal
injury or property damage in excess of $500. For purposes of this
section, any of the following occurrences involving a motor
vehicle operated by a named insured or such other person may not
be considered an accident when:

1.__Struck from rear.__The motor vehicle was struck from the

2.__Struck while parked.__The motor vehicle was struck while

3.__Conviction of crime or violation.__Only the operator of
another motor vehicle involved in the accident was convicted of a
crime, offense or violation contributing to the accident; or

4.__Reimbursement or judgment.__The named insured or other
operator of the motor vehicle insured under the policy or the
insurer thereof was reimbursed by or on behalf of a person
responsible for the accident or has a judgment against that

When more than one motor vehicle in a household is insured by the
same insurer, the number of accidents that would permit an
increase in premium or a surcharge under this section must, for
the aggregate, be increased by one for each additional motor
vehicle insured.


This bill prohibits insurers from increasing the premium or
imposing a surcharge on a motor vehicle insurance policy unless
the named insured or another person operating a motor vehicle
insured under the policy is involved in 2 or more accidents
resulting in either personal injury or property damage in excess
of $500.

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