LD 1098
pg. 1
LD 1098 Title Page An Act to Create a Respondent's Bill of Rights in Adjudicatory Proceedings ... LD 1098 Title Page
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LR 2212
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §9053-A is enacted to read:

§9053-A.__Notice to respondents

At the inception of an adjudicatory proceeding, the agency
shall provide notice containing the following information to the
person or persons whose legal rights, duties or privileges are at

1.__Statutory basis.__The statutory basis for the proceeding;

2.__Nature of proceeding.__The nature and factual summary of
the issue that is the subject of the proceeding;

3.__Rights affected.__The legal rights, duties or privileges
at issue in the proceeding;

4.__Procedural summary.__A summary of the procedural steps the
agency will follow throughout the course of the proceeding and
the legal rights available to the respondent at each step;

5.__Sanctions available.__The sanctions or recourse available
to the agency depending on the outcome of the proceeding; and

6.__Public information.__Whether or at what stage the record
of the proceeding is public or confidential information.


The bill requires agencies conducting adjudicatory proceedings
to inform respondents of their rights and the procedures to be
followed at the inception of the proceeding.

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