LD 1106
pg. 1
LD 1106 Title Page An Act to Establish Ratios of Direct-care Providers to Nursing Home Residents ... LD 1106 Title Page
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LR 2570
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §1812-C, sub-§8 is enacted to read:

8.__Ratios; nursing staff to patients.__The department shall
establish the following specific ratios of direct-care nursing
staff to patients in nursing homes:

A.__Day shift: one direct-care nursing staff member for
every 6 patients;

B.__Evening shift: one direct-care nursing staff member for
every 10 patients; and

C.__Night shift: one direct-care nursing staff member for
every 15 patients.

An employer may not count a licensed staff member, such as a
licensed practical nurse or a registered nurse, in the ratio of
direct-care nursing staff to patients unless that licensed staff
member has a direct-care assignment.


This bill requires the Department of Human Services to
establish specific ratios of direct-care nursing staff to
patients in nursing homes.

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