LD 1110
pg. 1
LD 1110 Title Page An Act Regarding the Calculation of Child Support When the Child Receives Disab... LD 1110 Title Page
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LR 2117
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 19-A MRSA §2006, sub-§5, ¶F is enacted to read:

F.__When a child receives social security or other benefits
based on the disability of a nonprimary care provider, the
amount of disability benefits received by the child must be
counted as payment toward the parental support obligation of
the nonprimary care provider on whose disability the
benefits are based.


This bill provides that, for purposes of calculating child
support, disability benefits received by a child based on the
disability of a nonprimary care provider must be counted toward
the parental support obligation of the nonprimary care provider
on whose disability the benefits are based.

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