LD 1113
pg. 1
LD 1113 Title Page An Act to Prohibit Elver Fyke Nets on Certain Rivers LD 1113 Title Page
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LR 1149
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §6575-F is enacted to read:

§6575-F.__Elver fyke nets prohibited on certain rivers

1.__Prohibition.__It is unlawful for a person to fish for or
take elvers with an elver fyke net in the following areas:

A.__On the Pennamaquan River, upstream at a line that starts
at Garnet Point and runs east in Washington County;

B.__On the Machias River, upstream of the Route 1 bridge in
Machias, Washington County;

C.__On the East Machias River, upstream of the Route 1
bridge in East Machias, Washington County;

D.__On the Dennys River, upstream of the Route 1 bridge in
Dennysville, Washington County;

E.__On the Narraguagus River, upstream of the Route 1-A
bridge in Milbridge, Washington County;

F.__On the Union River, upstream of the public landing on
Route 230 in Ellsworth, Hancock County;

G.__On the Penobscot River, upstream of the Route 395 bridge
in Bangor, Penobscot County;

H.__On the Ducktrap River, upstream of the Route 1 bridge in
Ducktrap, Waldo County;

I.__On the Kennebec River, upstream of the Route 197 bridge
in Richmond, Sagadahoc County;

J.__On the Androscoggin River, upstream of the Route 24
bridge in Brunswick, Cumberland County;

K.__On the Saco River, upstream of the Marblehead boat
launch ramp in Biddeford, York County; and

L.__On the York River, upstream of the Route 103 bridge in
York, York County.


This bill prohibits the use of elver fyke nets on certain
portions of the Pennamaquan, Machias, East Machias, Dennys,
Narraguagus, Union, Penobscot, Ducktrap, Kennebec, Androscoggin,
Saco and York Rivers.

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