LD 1114
pg. 1
LD 1114 Title Page An Act to Permit Telescopes and Other Scientific Instruments to be Shielded fro... LD 1114 Title Page
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LR 1377
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 38 MRSA §439-A, sub-§8 is enacted to read:

8.__Telescopes and other scientific instruments.__
Notwithstanding subsection 4, a municipality may adopt an
ordinance that permits the construction of a protective enclosure
for a telescope or other scientific instrument that would exceed
the maximum permitted height of a structure within the shoreland
zone, if the proposed plan includes the following conditions:

A.__The protective enclosure would be used exclusively to
house a telescope or other scientific instrument, and
associated equipment, for the purpose of shielding it from
the weather;

B.__The highest point of the protective enclosure would not
extend more than 12 feet above the highest point of the
legally existing structure to which it would be attached.__
Measurements of height are exclusive of chimneys, antennae,
transmission towers or similar structures having no floor
space; and

C.__The protective enclosure would not have a floor space in
excess of 100 square feet.


This bill allows a municipality to adopt an ordinance that
permits the construction of a protective enclosure, such as a
dome or cupola, as an addition to a legally existing structure if
the addition to extend the existing structure's height is no more
than 12 additional feet and has a maximum floor space of 100
square feet. The addition must be used exclusively to house and
protect a telescope or other scientific instrument from adverse
weather conditions.

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