LD 1120
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Uniform Health Care Decisions Act LD 1120 Title Page
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LR 2118
Item 1

This bill retains the current law concerning a patient in a
terminal condition or persistent vegetative state. In addition,
it authorizes a surrogate to make any health care decision for a
patient if the patient lacks capacity and no agent or guardian
exists. The decision whether to withhold or withdraw life-
sustaining treatment is limited to the following circumstances
described by current law: when the patient is in a terminal
condition or a persistent vegetative state. The surrogate can
make any health care decision other than withholding or
withdrawing life-sustaining treatment for a patient in any
circumstance as long as there is no agent or guardian.

The bill also expands the list of persons who can act as a
surrogate for a patient. Added to the list after immediate
family members is an adult who shares an emotional, physical and
financial relationship with the patient similar to that of a

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