LD 1123
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Set Fees for Services for Tax-exempt Property in Municipalities LD 1123 Title Page
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LR 510
Item 1

and organizations owning property in that classification.

(3) With respect to the determination of service charges,
appeals shall must be made in accordance with an
appeals process to be provided for by municipal

(4) The collection of unpaid service charges shall must be
carried out in the same manner as provided in Title 38,
section 1208.

(5) Municipalities shall use the revenues accrued from
service charges to fund, as much as possible, the costs
of those services.

(6) The total service charges levied by a municipality on
any institution and organization under this section
shall may not exceed 2% of the gross annual revenues of
the organization. To qualify for this limitation the
institution or organization shall file with the
municipality an audit of the revenues of the
organization for the year immediately prior to the year
for which the service charge is levied. The municipal
officers shall abate the service charge amount that is
in excess of 2% of the gross annual revenues.

(7) Municipalities shall adopt any necessary ordinances to
carry out the provisions of this paragraph regarding
service charges.


This bill allows municipalities to impose service charges for
tax-exempt property owned or occupied by entities other than
religious institutions and governmental entities.

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