LD 1125
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act to Modify the State's Safe Drinking Water Laws Page 3 of 3
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LR 904
Item 1

Sec. 2. 30-A MRSA §5953-B, sub-§2, ķA, as amended by PL 1997, c. 555,
§3, is further amended to read:

A. The bank may make loans from the fund to a public water
system for one or more of the purposes set forth in
subsection 1. Each of the loans is subject to the following

(1) The total amount of loans outstanding at any one
time from the fund may not exceed the balance of the
fund, provided that the proceeds of bonds or notes of
the bank deposited in the fund, revenues from other
sources deposited in the fund and binding financial
commitments of the United States to deposit money in
the fund are included in determining the fund balance.

(2) The loan must be evidenced by a municipal bond or
other debt instrument in a form acceptable to the bank,
payable by the public water system over a term not to
exceed 20 years from completion of construction of the
project, or 30 years from completion of construction of
the project in the case of a public water system that
the bank and the Department of Human Services have
determined serves a disadvantaged community, with
annual principal or interest payments commencing not
later than one year after the project being financed is

(3) The rate of interest charged for the loans must be
at or below market interest rates, including an
interest-free loan.

(4) Subject to the limitations of subparagraph (3),
the rate of interest charged for the loans made to
public water systems under this section or the manner
of determining the rate of interest must be established
from time to time by direction of the bank, taking into
consideration the current average rate on outstanding
marketable obligations and the policies of the
Department of Human Services.


This bill authorizes the Commissioner of Human Services to
require each community water system to prepare and provide to
each customer of the system at least once annually a consumer
confidence report containing information required by the United
States Environmental Protection Agency.

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