LD 1128
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LD 1128 Title Page An Act Creating Offenses Against Unborn Children Page 2 of 4
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LR 1916
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17-A MRSA c. 10 is enacted to read:




As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise
indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.

1.__"Abortion" has the same meaning as set forth in Title 22,
section 1598, subsection 2.

2.__"Person" does not include the pregnant woman whose unborn
child is killed or injured.

3.__"Unborn child" means any individual of the human species
from fertilization until birth.

§222.__Intentional homicide of unborn child

1.__ A person is guilty of intentional homicide of an unborn
child if the person intentionally or knowingly causes the death
of the unborn child and the person knows the pregnant woman is

2.__This section does not apply to:

A.__Acts that cause the death of an unborn child if those
acts are committed during any abortion, lawful or unlawful,
to which the pregnant woman consents; or

B.__Acts that are committed pursuant to usual and customary
standards of medical practice during diagnostic testing or
therapeutic treatment.

3.__It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under
subsection 1 if at the time of the killing the person believes
the circumstances to be such that, if they existed, would justify
or exonerate the killing, but the person's belief is

4.__Intentional homicide of an unborn child is punishable as
is murder under chapter 51.

5.__Prosecution of a person under this section does not
prohibit the prosecution of the person under any other law.

§223.__Voluntary manslaughter of unborn child

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