LD 1129
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act to Amend the Laws Pertaining to the Maine HIV Advisory Committee Page 5 of 5
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LR 1388
Item 1

(6)__Four persons representing interests related to
HIV, HIV prevention or policy, to be chosen by the
membership committee from the following:

(a)__Representatives of statewide organizations
concerned with family planning, public health, HIV
prevention and treatment, organized labor, clergy,
funeral directors, civil rights and disability
rights, nominated by those organizations;

(b)__A representative of families with school-aged
children, nominated by members of the public; and

(c)__A representative of the Maine Human Rights

Sec. 6. 5 MRSA §19202, sub-§3, as repealed and replaced by PL 1993, c.
384, §2, is amended to read:

3. Terms. The term of office of each member is 3 years;
except that of the members first appointed chosen by the
membership committee pursuant to subsection 2-A, 1/3 must be
appointed chosen for a term of one year, 1/3 for a term of 2
years and 1/3 for a term of 3 years; the Commissioner of Human
Services or the commissioner's designee serves members chosen
after nomination by the Commissioner of Human Services, the
Commissioner of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance
Abuse Services, the Commissioner of Education, the Commissioner
of Corrections or the Commissioner of Public Safety serve during
the nominating commissioner's term of office; and Legislators
serve during the term for which they were elected. The Governor
shall designate a chair and vice-chair to serve at the pleasure
of the Governor. The membership shall annually elect a chair and
vice-chair. The chair is the presiding member of the committee.
All vacancies must be filled for the balance of the unexpired
term in the same manner as original appointments. The members of
the committee are entitled to compensation in accordance with
chapter 379.

Sec. 7. 5 MRSA §19202, sub-§3-A is enacted to read:

3-A.__Compensation.__The members of the committee are entitled
to compensation in accordance with chapter 379.__All members are
entitled to reimbursement for expenses.__Members with HIV or who
are at risk of developing HIV, as defined by the HIV/STD program
in the Bureau of Health, Division of Disease Control, are
entitled to per diems of $50 per day.

Sec. 8. 5 MRSA §19202, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 384, §2, is
amended to read:

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