LD 1132
pg. 1
LD 1132 Title Page An Act to Establish Minimum Criteria for Siting Community Living Arrangements ... LD 1132 Title Page
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LR 599
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 30-A MRSA §4357-A, sub-§§3 and 4 are enacted to read:

3.__Siting requirements.__A state agency may not encumber
funds for a community living arrangement in a municipality until
the community living arrangement can demonstrate to the agency:

A.__Whether there is a positive or negative impact from the
density and disbursement of community living arrangements in
the municipality;

B.__That there has been at least one public meeting to
discuss the location of the community living arrangement;

C.__That there has been municipal participation in the
siting decision;

D.__Whether there is a positive or negative socio-economic
effect from the siting decision; and

E.__Whether there is a positive or negative financial impact
on property values in the municipality or of surrounding

4.__Certificate of need requirement.__A community living
arrangement must gain approval under the certificate of need
provisions of Title 22, chapter 103 before a state agency may
encumber funds for the community living arrangement.__The
requirements of Title 22, sections 306-A to 309 apply to
application for certificate of need for community living


This bill requires community living arrangements to show their
impact on local communities and obtain a certificate of need
before a state agency decision to fund the arrangement.

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