LD 1133
pg. 1
LD 1133 Title Page An Act to Reward Academic Excellence for Students Who are 16 and 17 Years of Ag... LD 1133 Title Page
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §774, sub-§1, ¶B, as amended by PL 1997, c. 131, §1, is
further amended to read:

B. More than 20 hours in any week when school is in
session, except that the minor may work up to 8 hours on
each day that an authorized school closure occurs up to a
total of 28 hours in that week. If a student maintains an
80% or better grade average, the student may work up to 30
hours in any week when school is in session.__It is the
responsibility of the minor to provide the employer with the
proper transcript indicating the student's grade average.
In addition, the maximum weekly hours a minor may work is 50
hours during any week that the approved school calendar is
less than 3 days or during the first or last week of the
school calendar, regardless of how many days school is in
session for the week. If requested, a school must provide
verification of its closings to the minor's employer or the
Department of Labor;

Sec. 2. 26 MRSA §774, sub-§1, ¶C, as amended by PL 1993, c. 434, §3, is
further amended to read:

C. More than 10 8 hours in any day when school is not in

Sec. 3. 26 MRSA §774, sub-§1, ¶D, as amended by PL 1991, c. 713, §1, is
further amended to read:

D. More than 4 6 hours in any day when school is in
session, except that the minor may work up to 8 hours on the
last scheduled day of the school week;


This bill increases the number of hours a minor may work when
school is in session from 20 hours to 30 hours. The minor may
work up to 30 hours only if the minor maintains a grade average
of 80% or better. The bill also increases the hours a minor may
work on a school day from 4 to 6 hours and decreases the hours
per day when not in school from 10 to 8 hours. The bill requires
the student to present the proper transcripts to the employer to
prove that the student's grade is 80% or better.

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