LD 1135
pg. 1
LD 1135 Title Page An Act to Ensure that a Person with Pervasive Development Disorder is Not Penal... LD 1135 Title Page
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LR 2465
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 24-A MRSA §2850, sub-§2, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1997, c.
445, §29 and affected by §32, are amended to read:

A. In a group contract, a preexisting condition exclusion
may relate only to conditions for which medical advice,
diagnosis, care or treatment was recommended or received
during the 6 months immediately preceding the effective date
of coverage. An exclusion may not be imposed relating to
pregnancy or to pervasive development disorder as a
preexisting condition.

B. In an individual contract not subject to paragraph C, a
preexisting condition exclusion may relate only to
conditions manifesting in symptoms that would cause an
ordinarily prudent person to seek medical advice, diagnosis,
care or treatment or for which medical advice, diagnosis,
care or treatment was recommended or received during the 12
months immediately preceding the effective date of coverage
or to a pregnancy existing on the effective date of
coverage. An exclusion may not be imposed relating to
pervasive development disorder as a preexisting condition.


This bill prohibits the imposition of a preexisting condition
exclusion relating to pervasive development disorder in
individual and group health insurance policies.

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