LD 1137
pg. 1
LD 1137 Title Page An Act to Allow Police Officers to Prosecute Their Own Traffic Infractions in D... LD 1137 Title Page
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LR 2715
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 4 MRSA §807, sub-§3, ¶K, as amended by PL 1997, c. 683, Pt. E,
§3, is further amended to read:

K. A person who is not an attorney, but who is representing
the Department of Human Services in accordance with Title
19-A, section 1615; Title 19-A, section 2009, subsection 8;
Title 19-A, section 2201, subsection 1-B; and Title 19-A,
section 2202, subsection 1-B; or

Sec. 2. 4 MRSA §807, sub-§3, ¶L, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 683, Pt. E,
§4, is amended to read:

L. A person who is not an attorney, but who is representing
the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources in
accordance with Title 7, section 3909, subsection 2.; or

Sec. 3. 4 MRSA §807, sub-§3, ¶M is enacted to read:

M.__A law enforcement officer, as defined in Title 29-A,
section 101, subsection 30, who is not an attorney but who
is representing the State in the prosecution of a traffic
infraction, as defined in Title 29-A, section 101,
subsection 85, when that representation has been approved by
the prosecuting attorney and the District Court Judge
presiding at trial.


This bill allows police officers to prosecute their own
traffic infraction cases in District Court without it being
considered an unauthorized practice of law.

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