LD 1140
pg. 1
LD 1140 Title Page An Act to Protect Cemeteries LD 1140 Title Page
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LR 2616
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17-A MRSA §507-A, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__Additional penalties.__In addition to any other
punishment, the court shall impose the following penalties for a
violation of subsection 1.

A.__If the violation was committed by a minor, the court
shall order:

(1)__The violator or the violator's family to pay
restitution for all damages; and

(2)__The violator to perform 8 hours per week of
community service for the cemetery for 2 consecutive
summers following the conviction, commencing the week
after school ends and ending the week before school

B.__If the violation was committed by an adult, the court
shall order the violator to:

(1)__Pay restitution for all damages; and

(2)__Perform 5 hours per week of community service for
the cemetery for one year.

C.__Upon completion of the court's sentence, the violator
shall submit to the court proof that the violator has
completed the community service and restitution.


This bill requires a mandatory minimum sentence for a person
convicted of vandalizing a cemetery. If the violator is a minor,
the court must require the violator or the violator's family to
pay restitution and require the violator to perform 8 hours of
community service per week for the cemetery for 2 consecutive
summers following the conviction. If the violator is an adult,
the court must require the violator to pay restitution and to
perform 5 hours of community service for the cemetery per week
for one year.

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