LD 1146
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Laws Authorizing the Renovation of the State Capitol Buildi... LD 1146 Title Page
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LR 2884
Item 1

2.__Limitation on securities issued.__The authority may not issue
securities in excess of $60,000,000 outstanding at any one time, of
which no less than $30,000,000 must be specifically allocated to
projects relating to the Judicial Branch, except for the issuance
of revenue refunding securities authorized by section 1610 and
securities issued under section 1610-A.__The amount of securities
that may be outstanding in the name of the authority may be
increased by the Legislature upon a showing by the authority that
its available revenues are sufficient to support additional
issuance of securities and that the issuance of securities will not
materially impair the credit standing of the authority, the
investment status of securities issued by the authority or the
ability of the authority to fulfill its commitments to__holders of
securities.__Nothing in this chapter may be construed to authorize
the authority to issue securities to fund the construction,
reconstruction, purchase or acquisition of facilities without a 2/3
vote of approval in each House of the Legislature.

Sec. 3. PL 1997, c. 788, §§3, 4 and 5 are repealed.


This bill removes the authority of the Maine Governmental
Facilities Authority to issue securities for the purposes of
paying the cost of the construction of a connector between the
State Office Building and the State Capitol Building; the
preservation and renovation of the State Capitol Building; and
the renovations of the State Office Building, the Tyson Building
and the Marquardt Building.

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