LD 1148
pg. 1
LD 1148 Title Page An Act to Amend the Maine Tort Claims Act LD 1148 Title Page
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LR 1047
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 14 MRSA §8104-B, sub-§§6 and 7, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 740,
§4, are amended to read:

6. Leasing of governmental property. The leasing of
governmental property, including buildings, to other
organizations; and

7. Certain services. A decision not to provide
communications, heat, light, water, electricity or solid or
liquid waste collection, disposal or treatment services.; and

Sec. 2. 14 MRSA §8104-B, sub-§8 is enacted to read:

8.__Failure or malfunction of computer.__The direct or
indirect failure or malfunction of computer hardware, computer
software or any device containing a computer processor or chip
that fails to accurately or properly recognize, calculate,
display, sort or otherwise process dates or times.


The purpose of this bill is to clarify that governmental
entities under the Maine Tort Claims Act are immune from
liability for claims arising out of failures or malfunctions
related to year 2000 compliance problems.

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