LD 1158
pg. 6
Page 5 of 7 An Act to Ensure Equality in Mental Health Coverage for Children and Adults ... Page 7 of 7
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Item 1

this section shall report its experience for each calendar year to
the superintendent not later than April 30th of the following year.
The report must be in a form prescribed by the superintendent and
include the amount of claims paid in this State for the services
required by this section and, the total amount of claims paid in
this State for group health care contracts and the amount paid by
patients for services not covered by health care contracts, both
each separated between those paid for inpatient, day treatment and
outpatient services. The superintendent shall compile this data
for all nonprofit hospital or medical service organizations in an
annual report.

Sec. 7. 24 MRSA §2325-A, sub-§9 is enacted to read:

9.__Report to Legislature.__On or before January 15, 2000, the
superintendent shall report to the Joint Standing Committee on
Banking and Insurance the following:

A.__An estimate of the impact of this section on health
insurance costs;

B.__Actions taken by the superintendent to ensure that
health insurance plans are in compliance with this section
and that quality and access to treatment for mental health
conditions provided by the plans are not compromised by
providing financial parity for such coverage;

C.__When a health insurance plan offers choices for
treatment of mental health conditions, an analysis and
comparison of those choices in regard to level of access,
choice and financial burden; and

D.__Identification of any segments of the population of the
State that may be excluded from access to treatment for
mental health conditions at the level provided by this
section, including an estimate of the number of people
excluded from such access under health benefit plans offered
or administered by employers who receive the majority of
their annual revenues from contract grants or other
expenditures by state agencies.

Sec. 8. Construction; transitional provisions. The provisions of this Act do

1. Limit the provision of specialized services for
individuals with mental health disorders who are covered by

2. Supersede the provisions of federal law, federal or state
Medicaid policy or the terms and conditions imposed on any

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